Time waits for no man

As the party rested and resupplied in the safety of Shield Ford the forces against them marched ever onwards.

ADVANCE A THREAT [0/10] [1] (Thornfield's doom) - Dramatic Move [0/10] [3]

ORACLE - Transform its nature

Luiden, unsurprisingly, spent a fair bit of time skulking near the cemetery and picked up on many a whispered conversation. To his horror he learned of multiple eye-witness accounts of the dead rising from graves across the Havens in a wave spreading from east to west. In most cases the rotting corpses and ancient skeletons would ignore any witnesses and solemnly, silently march off on some dread purpose. Luiden knew this to be the doom prophesied by his people, but was aghast to learn it posed threat so far-reaching as this. He was no further along with acquiring resources for the resisting of it and he felt a grave fear that his failure might cost even more than previously speculated.

Luiden waited until he could get the cemetery keeper alone for a quiet word. He used the reports of the risen dead to beseech the man to allow him access to the bodies of their greatest fallen soldiers that he might channel their spirits into the impending war against undeath.


The keeper was moved enough to take Luiden to the Council of Arms and see if they would grant it, but alas even with the terrible stories of animated corpses the elders were too incensed at the notion of disturbing their most venerated from eternal repose. As Luiden pressed it harder, one of the elders smiled a cruel smirk and told him he could have his wish in a fair trade - bones from their most legendary warrior in exchange for his spear. Bones for a bone, soul for a soul. Luiden didn't give it a moment's thought, for to be separated from the spirit of his wife even temporarily was an unthinkable thought to him. He gruffly exited the hall gripping the spear tight lest any other have designs on it.

ADVANCE A THREAT [1/10] [0] (War with the elves) - A new danger looms [1/10] [1]

ORACLE - Allow warmongers to gain influence

Bjorn found Shield Ford had a cartographer and thought it prudent to pay a visit. The elderly man gave him sage advice on their route and furnished him with all the maps he'd need, but they came with a stern warning. Travelers recently reaching Shield Ford from the west had reported that the lands that way were becoming occupied by various militant factions, each vying for territory and demanding high tolls from those passing through.

An Unwelcome Familiarity

Artiga, fresh from the healer, took the time to think on his own quest - the building of shrines to atone for crimes he committed with the Frozen Lament. He sought out a blacksmith that he might persuade to fashion some holy symbols to adorn the structures. He approached the largest workshop in the town and found the master blacksmith hard at work. He cleared his throat and introduced himself and his purpose, putting heavy emphasis on the themes of soldierly respect and honour for the victims of war, knowing these principles were held highly in this town.


The blacksmith didn't even pause in his labouring but Artiga felt the groundwork was sufficient for the request to be made welcome.

COMPEL - Miss with Complication (6)

There was some detail in Artiga's request, some small specific that finally made the blacksmith stop hammering. "I thought I recognised the voice," he said, "but didn't credit fate with enough humour to actually bring you to me." The blacksmith looked up at the priest with a hatred burning in his eyes brighter than the forge behind him. Artiga recognised him immediately - a hulk of a man by the name of Valeri. The two had fought side by side for years in the Frozen Lament and Artiga had long-hoped for them never to meet again.

"Brother, I am not the same man you once knew," the priest blurted, his arms raised in an attempt to mollify Valeri, "as, I have no doubt, are you." But the man was incensed and advanced his muscular frame towards him.

"You and I can change our ways as much as the gods will allow, you son of a wyvern's arse, but the history remains as fresh and untouched as ever!" Valeri grabbed a two-handed war-axe off the wall like it was light as air and thrust it threateningly at Artiga. "I'll not spend a single second wasting this opportunity - I challenge thee to a duel Artiga! Deny me like a sniveling shrew and I will have you face trial. What say you?" Artiga said nothing, but drew his sword dramatically and solemnly led Valeri out into the open. The two of them carved a circle in the dirt, staring each other in the eye the whole way round until the circle was complete. A cry rang out from a passerby and it was mere moments before the circle was surrounded by onlookers. Artiga would hazard a guess that dueling was not a common occurrence in Shield Ford, though he did notice Bjorn swiftly negotiating a wager using his lump of black iron for collateral.

DRAW THE CIRCLE - Warrior (Dangerous) - Weak Hit

Boast - To the death

"If you would have your vengeance in this arena, Valeri, know that you stake your life on the attempt!" he said defiantly, gripping his sword with both hands as his cloak fluttered dramatically in the breeze.

"Say no more, priest! As it was in the Lament, so it shall be here," and with those words Valeri launched at Artiga with axe arcing down from on high.

CLASH [0/10] - Strong Hit [4/10]

Artiga batted the axe away with his bastard sword and released a flurry of swings to push the blacksmith onto the back foot, managing a shallow cut across his chest that saw first blood drawn. The crowd gasped and started to goad, cheer and jeer at the combatants.

Artiga saw an opportunity and kicked out at Veleri's leg.


The giant of a man stumbled backwards, just about maintaining verticality but momentarily vulnerable. Artiga came in with a forceful blow intended to secure a quick finish.

STRIKE [4/10] - Weak Hit [8/10]

The blacksmith's reactions saved him by a whisker as he turned and caught the blow on the arm rather than the head. He came back at the priest with a mighty whirl of the axe, causing many a spectator to instinctively duck lest it fly from the hands that held it.

FACE DANGER - Strong Hit (Burn) with Opportunity (5)

The raiders that had nearly killed him a few days ago were a blessing in disguise - they'd given Artiga the opportunity to re-acquaint himself with the art of melee combat and he felt all the more competent for it as he easily ducked the blow. Not that Valeri was rusty; he showed every ounce of expertise Artiga had ever credited him with, but the priest knew too well the moves to expect. He rolled clear and gracefully back up on his feet and with no break in the motion brought his blade arcing round at Valeri's exposed back.

STRIKE [8/10] - Weak Hit [10/10]

The blacksmith cried out as he was viciously cut once more, but refused to betray the fury that drove him onwards by succumbing so soon. He hefted the battleaxe and rained blow after blow down upon Artiga, each one strong enough to cave his head right in. Backing away Artiga did what he could to deflect each one. The clangs of iron blades connecting with such force was a veritable cacophony to all in witness.


The onslaught was too much for Artiga and a swing made it through to his aging body, gouging into his side.


The blow took him off his feet and had him prone before Valeri. Though it was silhouetted against the afternoon sun, Artiga was sure he could make out a brutal grin on his face as the axe came down for a decisive blow.


The axehead thwacked into the earth in a cloud of dust and most present felt it in their feet. Artiga raised his off-hand to his eyes and saw the blood pumping from where his little finger should have been. The old bastard was having fun it seemed...

ENDURE HARM - Strong Hit with Opportunity

... but not without cost. The axe was lodged in the ground, the hulk's own strength having worked against him. Artiga rolled to the side, grabbing up his sword and then aiming it for his quarry's exposed neck, execution-style.

STRIKE [10/10] - Miss [10/10]

Pain and fatigue were taking a heavy toll on Artiga's prowess, giving Valeri just enough time to retrieve his axe and deflect the blow. Artiga was spun off balance and then forced backwards with swing after swing, dodging as best he could until one glanced him round the side of the head and cut it open.


Artiga reeled backwards but threw himself into it, rolling heels over head to dodge the axe swinging back the way it'd come.

FACE DANGER - Strong Hit

The blade whistled overhead, narrowly missing him. As he came up to his feet he heard his name and through blood-blurred vision just about identified Kabeera cheering him on.

AID YOUR ALLY (Kabeera) - Weak Hit

The reminder of his responsibilities re-hardened his resolve, but the distraction cost him in impetus and Valeri was upon him in a moment.

FACE DANGER - Strong Hit

Artiga grunted as he smacked the glinting axehead aside in a single, imperative swipe of the bastard sword then roared out the primal determination of a born soldier drenched in friendly blood.

STRIKE [10/10] - Strong Hit [10/10]

END THE FIGHT [10/10] - Strong Hit

He drove the point of his blade straight through the blacksmith's stomach, forging its way uncompromisingly through tissue and organs to come suddenly bursting out the back of him. The duellists were close enough that the warrior priest could whisper some secret words into the ear of his erstwhile brother-in-arms as he died. He pulled the sword and let the fallen adversary slump at his feet before himself falling into the arms of a relieved Kabeera. She helped him back to balance and began to assist him in the direction of the healer again whilst Bjorn claimed his winnings - a travelling cloak of superb quality, likely meant for a senior rank.

SOJOURN (Artiga only) - Miss with Complication (9)

COMPLICATION - Incarcerated

The crowd was somewhat stunned, as though nobody had really believed the fight would be to the death. As warlike a people as they were, one of their own being slain within the town walls did not sit well - particularly one not considered a soldier - and there were hostile murmurings all around. Not far from the circle their passage was blocked by two men at arms. Artiga was in no state to oppose them physically and they were having none of Kabeera's reasoning - they arrested the priest and escorted him to the jail cells to await adjudication by the Council at Arms.

Artiga was barely conscious when they threw him in the cell. After a moment's deliberation, the men-at-arms fetched the healer to tend to him - quite probable the prisoner would be called upon to see judgement before death. The healer arrived and tended to the priest for over an hour. Artiga regained full, painful consciousness and was reassured to learn he would survive the wounds. Clearly he wasn't out of the woods just yet though. He recited some of the more popular passages of Ursha to ingratiate the herbalist to his spirituality before asking that he be passed his tools of worship to address his god on what might be his last night in mortal servitude.


COMPEL - Weak Hit

The healer was taken enough to agree to the request, despite the guard casting a suspicious eye, but asked a favour in return - a blessing for his young boy who'd fallen ill. The healer had tried everything and was desperate for alternatives. Artiga smiled and gave a croaky-voiced benediction for the healer, his family and above all their son that they would have all the courage and fortune they could need to triumph over this malady. Once the healer had left Artiga slowly arranged his candles - every movement a new wave of agony - lit them and then held aloft the bust of Ursha as he bowed his head to pray.

SECURE AN ADVANTAGE (Devotant) - Weak Hit

Artiga felt her touch, gliding softly over his wounds and numbing the pain. She recognised the labours of her clergy in the pursuit of honour and gave him her blessing. He kissed the bust, placed it reverently amongst the candles and gently laid his head on the icy-cold stone floor, the aches and the fatigue singing him to sleep.

So long and thanks for all the bandages

Kabeera beseeched the Council of Arms on behalf of her guardian. She was assured that they would allow her to speak for him when they deliberated in the morning, but for now the hour was late and they needed to take stock of the town mood and pay their respects to the widow. Valeri was something of a pillar of the community and his passing would be widely mourned.

Pocketing the pretty silver trinket he'd won, Bjorn retired to study his maps and plan the next leg of the journey.


With the news of warbands and contested territory ahead of them Bjorn felt the maps were less use than he'd hoped. Too much guesswork. Nevertheless, the topography was something to go on and he felt somewhat more confident as a result.

Williarth stayed focused on the immediate matter of their incarcerated companion and brought to bear his greatest skill. In the long hall that night he treated the locals to a rousing song of righteous vengeance and oncoming storms, sure that such dramatic themes would find much favour here and endear the people to them all as a group.

SECURE AN ADVANTAGE (Storyweaver) - Weak Hit

It went down well - though some suspicious eyes remained on him for the rest of the evening he felt he'd appeased a great deal of hostility and that this would aid their case in the morning.

Luiden had witnessed the end of the fight and saw how good a warrior Valeri was. His would be a fine spirit to enlist. That evening, after the council elders had paid their respects, he approached the former blacksmith's home and knocked tentatively. A tearful woman answered and looked up at him with grieving eyes. He made a respectful introduction, bestowed his own condolences for the household's loss and pitched his services of communing with the recently-departed that she might have the chance to say goodbye.

COMPEL - Weak Hit

Valeri's wife, Arasen, was uncertain but weak-willed in her grief. She permitted him enter the home and inside he found the body laid out on the table, a few candles around it casting a solemn light. She said Luiden could work whatever rituals he spoke of, but she would have one thing in return. She knew nothing of her late husband's past and could not bear the mystery - he must have his killer explain to her personally why Valeri was now dead. Her sister looked on, suspicious of the sorcery proposed but staying silent. Luiden made the requested promise, then sat himself by the head of the body. He clasped the temples and began the incantations to build a bridge across the veil.

COMMUNION - Strong Hit with Opportunity (3)

OPPORTUNITY - Link is strong enough to share

The link came easily and strong - he felt the flood of emotions pouring out of the freshly discorporated spirit and let them wash over him. He motioned for Arasen and her sister to draw near and place hands on him. They did so with much trepidation, but on making contact they felt and heard what he did - the weeping spirit of Valeri. Luiden allowed them to commune first and his heart broke a little as they professed their love and made their sorrowful farewells. Luiden then spoke to Valeri alone - explaining his purpose and requesting support for the great battle ahead.

COMPEL (Communion) - Miss

PAY THE PRICE - 1 Stress

ENDURE STRESS - Strong Hit with Opportunity (2)

OPPORTUNITY - Arasen's friendship

Valeri was incensed. This witch-doctor associate of his killer was seeking to dismember his body and cannibalise it for some hugely far-fetched purpose - no chance! Luiden was subjected to such wrath and indignation he broke contact and flung himself into a corner of the room, cowering and shivering with guilt. But Arasen was at his side, dry-eyed now and soothing. She thanked him sincerely for what he had done for her and promised he would always find a friend in her household. Luiden thanked her and left them to their mourning.

The morning came and Kabeera assembled the party, Mayatanay included, at the long hall ready for the first order of business.

SCENE CHALLENGE - Freeing Artiga

ORACLE - Rank: Troublesome

The Council at Arms assembled and had the man-at-arms usher them in. Their countenance was grave, but from her discussions with them the night before Kabeera knew this to be mostly to give the proceedings gravitas rather than any pre-determined lust for retribution. One of them opened the hearing with a highly ungenerous account of the event, playing chief prosecutor and enjoying it - he framed the act as cowardly and malicious, more so in light of the council's most gracious hospitality. Kabeera countered this with the observation that the death occurred in a mutually-agreed duel - both sides honoured each other nobley.

FACE DANGER [0/10] [0/4] - Strong Hit [3/10] [0/4]

This landed well - in terms of honour they could not refute her. Another of the elders pointed out that the fact remained that a highly-regarded and hard-working local was dead at the hands of a transient guest of the community and it could not be considered accidental. Williarth took this one, arguing that it could not be considered pre-meditated for the men had not seen or spoken to each other in over a decade and had no way of knowing that they would bump into each other like this.

FACE DANGER [3/10] [0/4] - Weak Hit [6/10] [1/4]

The reasoning didn't land fully - some of the elders thought it immaterial that they happened upon each other by chance, whilst one actually doubted the claim that Artiga hadn't known Valeri resided here at Shield Ford. This led to discussion concerning their shared history. 'We are to believe that the two of them served in battle over an extended period, but not one soul that we've spoken to can admit ever hearing this before from our trusted blacksmith - the man was excellent at his craft and showed no inclinations towards combat in all the years he'd been here'. Kabeera had noted that the man-at-arms on the door to the hall had been at the duel. She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him theatrically to stand before the council. He protested but was given a nod from a council member that this would be allowed. Kabeera bade him give the Council his own account of how well Valeri had handled himself in the fight.


The man-at-arms professed he'd been astounded at the war-talent of the blacksmith. He wielded a huge battleaxe like no one he'd ever seen before. He admitted that there was no chance the man had never seen combat. Kabeera explained how she herself knew very little of this Frozen Lament, despite that she and Artiga had been close for years. It was something of a code that the priest never spoke of his past and it made perfect sense for the same to have been true of the blacksmith.

FACE DANGER [6/10] [1/4] - Weak Hit [9/10] [2/4]

The elders murmured amongst themselves on this logic. Some remained unsatisfied, or perhaps just unwilling to have been duped by a man they'd trusted for so long. Regardless, the question remained about what to do with him, for duels had no legal grounding in Shield Ford and the man's actions had cost them. Luiden stepped forward and gave a grand and noble speech about fate, destiny and the courage of men who embrace both. He put it that Artiga, for all his shadowy past, was a strong force for good and the Council were in the enviable position of being able to bestow more of the holy man's noble efforts on the world and make it a better place.

FACE DANGER [9/10] [2/4] - Strong Hit [10/10] [2/4]


The council called the hearing to a close and quietly discussed the matter between themselves before deciding upon a resolution. They granted Artiga his freedom, but at the expense of Shield Ford's hospitality to them all - they were to depart as soon as he had given the blacksmith's widow his sincerest apologies and remorse for her loss. The verdict was welcomed.

Luiden accompanied the battered Artiga to Valeri's house. He told the priest of the promise made for a full explanation of the history between him and the blacksmith, but Artiga was resolute - the matter was a sacrosanct secret between brothers of the Frozen Lament and would not be revealed to any other. Luiden pressed him on this, but the most Artiga would agree to was to tell Luiden himself someday. Maybe.

Artiga bent the knee before Arasen who stood solemnly awaiting answers. He gave profuse condolences and remorse for her loss at his hands, assuring her that there was no ill-will or malice involved and that her husband died an honourable death of his own choosing. He explained, with all the diplomacy and tact he could muster, why he could not tell her the root cause of the incident and begged her understanding.


Aransen began to cry bitter tears of anger and frustration. She cursed Artiga and spurned him from the home. She shouted after him, foul and disgraceful words wishing the illest of fates to befall the man. Other townsfolk heard the outcry and began to amass. They matched the widow's ire, hurling first words then projectiles.

FACE DANGER - Strong Hit

Artiga hurried to assemble the party and soon they were hastening for the gate. The air was black with hostility as they ran out of the settlement and towards the river crossing. Even as they waded across the watery expanse they could still hear a host of cries from the ramparts chasing after them on the cold morning wind.

Time waits for no man

Bjorn had a pretty clear idea of their best route. Artiga wasn't wholly convinced and, despite his muscles already aching, shouldered Bjorn's pack as well as his own to free the scout up to concentrate on nothing but leading the journey.

AID YOUR ALLY (Artiga, Loyalist) - Weak Hit

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [4/10] (Bjorn) - Strong Hit [5/10] with Opportunity (1)

OPPORTUNITY - Settlement of interest

The going from Shield Ford onwards was mercifully easy-going. Verdant heaths and flat lowlands led an uneventful and unstressful route through the rolling hills of the Havens. On a few occasions they heard a warhorn or spied soldiers marching in the distance, but Bjorn kept their path at a prudent distance. A day and a half's travel from Shield Ford, coming into the western Havens, they crested a ridge and looked down upon a small but busy settlement. Bjorn recognised it instantly from tales he'd heard on his travels - this was the infamous military waypoint of Black Hall.

Black Hall is so named by the charred-wood structure at its centre, but it is not a settlement in the true sense of the word. It's a transient thing appearing in regions beset (or about to be beset) by war, providing a waypoint for multiple forces to congregate, make camp and coordinate strategies. The hall itself and a few other wooden structures are designed for easy and quick assembly but the rest of Black Hall is comprised of the tents and other mobile structures of the factions making use of it. Ownership of Black Hall is something of a mystery - some powerful warmonger makes it available through secret negotiations along with other useful resources for the warfaring patrons.

REACH A MILESTONE (Escort elf outcast back to her tribe) - [2/10] [1]

Black Hall embodied the threat that opposed their vow to elf Mayatanay, but also opportunity. Of course they couldn't all go walking on in bold as brass, not with an elf. Luiden and Bjorn agreed to investigate and report back, each confident that they would not be recognised and could handle themselves if the need arose. They ventured down the slope and into the city of tents as the others made themselves comfortable out of sight.

They kept as low a profile as they could, avoiding the many soldiers in their twos and threes and keeping their heads down. They made it to the rear of the Black Hall and attempted to eavesdrop on discussions within.


The voices were hushed and muted somewhat by the thick lumber walls so they learned nothing. Turning to re-consider their options, they found themselves face-to-face with two armed soldiers looking upon them with suspicion. Bjorn explained that they were in search of a caravan bearing a mountain of iron, including a large amount of precious black iron for he wanted to secure some for purchase. He presented the lump he'd recovered from the raiders to illustrate. He asked after its whereabouts.


The soldiers saw right through him - the caravan in question was vital to the war efforts and a random stranger appearing in the camp asking questions could only make him an enemy. They lunged for the pair in an attempt to seize them. Luiden and Bjorn made a run for it.

FACE DANGER (Bjorn) - Miss

They had no hope. One shout from their pursuers had a dozen more appearing from tents all about them and they were quickly surrounded and marched away at spear-point.

Up on the ridge the day fell to night and after some hours it became clear that the scout and the skirmisher were not coming back.