One Thing Left to Do

Williarth the Bard got the nod from Kotama, the hulk of a bartender, that he could finish his set and brought the ballad to a close with a tongue-in-cheek "... and that's when you put ... it ... in!". He left the performance area to a mild smattering of courteous applause and went straight to the bar. Kotama passed him a draft and the verbose storyweaver attempted to engage him in conversation but, as had been increasingly the case lately, the old fellow was growing tired of the foppish wastrel. It was when Williarth brought his rambling inevitably round to his search for true adventurers that Kotama silently nodded towards a table encircled by four unfamiliar patrons, clearly geared for travel. Williarth thanked him graciously and approached.

Introductions were a little stilted, but the bard's eloquence kept things moving and upon hearing of their quest he dramatically beseeched Mayatanay that she permit him the privilege of journalling the adventure, promising to do it the greatest service in gravitas and 'songmanship'. She was pleasantly surprised and he made the vow on the simple raven pendant hung about his neck.

SWEAR AN IRON VOW [Formidable] (Write an exceptional ballad of Mayatanay's quest) - Weak Hit

Despite his exuberance, Williarth was apprehensive about the task he'd set upon. He knew nothing of elves and their ways and even less of how to make it relatable to Ironlanders - he must be sure to hone his observational skills by the time they reached the clan.

As the party became better acquainted with their new addition, Artiga set down his ale and abruptly interjected. "You know, what we could really do with ..." he said slowly, gesturing across the hall, " an archer." The man he'd singled out had his back to them, but across it was a large bow and quiver. The priest beckoned Bjorn over and with a warm welcome poured him a drink. The northerner was initially uncertain about tying his immediate venturing to a group of strangers with their own mission - he'd been travelling alone for weeks - but since they too were headed west and assured him that his hunt for the lost caravan would receive their support he agreed to it. He swore the same vow to Mayatanay and joined the table to get better acquainted with his new fellowship, delighting in the discovery that Williarth also hailed from the mountain settlement of Frost Barrow.

The night drew to a close and they retired to bed. In the case of Williarth, it was not his but that of Leela, the young and slight serving-wench whose eye he'd caught during his set. He found her outside the hall, waiting for him in the chill night air and he escorted her back to her humble dwelling. Her father's loud snoring from his rocking chair dampened the mood a little, but the intimacy came easily enough. Before permitting the act, though, she dropped heavy hints that a gift was in order to show worth to her acquiescence and Williarth solemnly presented her with a small wooden kazoo.

Williarth had hoped to leave her amicably in the morning and know that he would have a fond welcoming when he next returned to Old Hall.


Leela was most disgruntled that he thought it reasonable to leave at all. She swore that if he did so she would never forgive him, but the ambition that had driven the bard this far was not to be quenched by a maid even as fair and youthful as she. Williarth departed the hovel under a cloud of acrimony to find his new companions ready and waiting outside, the raised eyebrows making it clear that every indignant word had reached their ears.

A Party of Six

Williarth imposed himself upon Luiden's company in order to quickly learn more about this odd southerner. Not that it was much of an imposition - the skirmisher welcomed any chance to detail the nuances of his people's culture and traditions, as the others had already found. The bard took copious notes, for the oddity of the man was providing abundant fodder for his ballad.

REACH A MILESTONE (Write an exceptional ballad of Mayatanay's quest) - [1/10]

Navigation duties fell to the scout - a chance to prove his worth to his newfound companions. Artiga resumed his post at the vanguard and Kabeera provided advice based on her knowledge of local settlements.

AID AN ALLY (Artiga, Loyalist) - Strong Hit (Burn)

AID AN ALLY (Kabeera) - Weak Hit

Artiga was still buoyed from his successful navigation of the last leg and was sure a trained scout could only do better - he stayed sharp and kept the others alert to potential threats. Kabeera, however, soon found that the journey was fast out-pacing her worldly knowledge.

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [1/10] (Bjorn) - Weak Hit [2/10]

The going across the fenlands was strenuous at times and made a little dent in the supplies, but they made reasonable progress that day. As the afternoon sun began to fade they came upon an overturned wagon between two bluffs that gave blissful shelter from the biting winds. Artiga urged the others to come and inspect it for people in need or supplies to be scavenged, but they found it rotting and moss-laden.

The raider warcries startled them all as five masked ambushers charged down the slope towards them. It was a trap!

ENTER THE FRAY - Small pack of raiders (Formidable)

... [Wits] (Kabeera) - Weak Hit

... [Wits] (Artiga) - Weak Hit

... [Wits] (Luiden) - Weak Hit

... [Wits] (Williarth) - Strong Hit

... [Wits] (Bjorn) - Weak Hit

Artiga called the group to arms and awkwardly wrestled his bastard sword from its sheath just in time to face the two assailants upon him, blades poised.

CLASH [0/10] - Strong Hit [2/10]

The warrior priest stepped into their charge and swung mightily. The trusty sword carved through the belly of one, leaving a wake of spilling entrails, then buried itself in the other. He yanked it back out and strode onwards to fell more of the bastards.

Williarth countercharged the nearest to him, the spirit of adventure burning fiercely within. He leveled his staff like a lance and braced for impact.

STRIKE [2/10] (Long-arm) - Weak Hit [3/10]

The staff connected with the raider's belly and drove him off his feet, doubled-over. The bard stopped to catch his breath and found himself in the thick of it - he was far from his allies and his target was quickly returning to his feet. To his joyful relief Artiga was right behind him, striding forward to defend.

AID YOUR ALLY (Artiga, Loyalist) - Miss with Complication (7)

Artiga aimed a kick at the raider's weapon before it could be reclaimed from where it fell, but was stopped short by the whistle and thud of an arrow to the thigh. He yowled in pain and looked up to see a trio of archers hiding behind a rocky outcrop on the slope above them.

COMPLICATION - New foe: Small pack of raider archers (Formidable)


He gritted his teeth and yanked the projectile from his flesh with a fresh spurt of blood.

The raider grabbed his short-sword and grinned as he turned on the hesitant bard. Williarth cried an instinctive command to his raven companion, Quoth, and hit the ground as the bird launched at his assailant.

FACE DANGER (Raven) - Strong Hit (Burn)

The pecking, clawing and furious flapping of large black wings stopped the masked man in his tracks, causing him to swat panickedly at the bird as it raked his flesh. Williarth scrambled to his feet, clutched his staff and readied himself for another strike.

Meanwhile Bjorn dropped to a knee and fumbled an arrow from his quiver, watching it tumble into the long grass - a seasoned hunter he may be, but this was his first combat ever and self-doubt was creeping in. He pulled out another and drew it with a prayer.

STRIKE [3/10] - Miss [3/10]

The shot went embarrassingly wide. Bjorn feared not only for his life right now, but for all the peril it would face along the rest of the journey.


He started to freak out, trembling with anxiety to the point of struggling to nock another arrow, but Luiden came vaulting in out of the blue, placing himself between raiders and ally and waving his spear about to create a buffer zone.

AID YOUR ALLY - Strong Hit

The extra time was blessed relief and seeing such courageous support from a man he'd met just the day before gave Bjorn the focus he needed to ready another shot. "Now!" he cried, and the skirmisher ducked aside to open up the target to him.

STRIKE [3/10] - Weak Hit [5/10]

The arrow sang through the air and struck home in the attacker's shoulder, spinning him off his feet and likely out of the fight. But another was running up from the side and Bjorn cursed as he fumbled another arrow, concerned he may not have time to get another shot off.

Kabeera, lurking behind the wagon with Mayatanay, timed her appearance for a back-stab attack on the raider charging the archer.


PAY THE PRICE - Captured

She timed it badly and the raider was ready for her, but knowing a ransom-worthy target when he saw one the muscular brute smacked her in the face and grabbed her in his powerful arms to drag her back up the ridge. Luiden came running to the rescue, spear lunging. He heard his wife whispering to him from the carved head of the weapon. Kill him my ssssweet! Save the girl and show them all what we do to bad baaaad people.

STRIKE [5/10] (Blade-bound) - Strong Hit [9/10]

ENDURE STRESS (Blade-bound) - Strong Hit

The bone-blade connected with the kidnapper just under the back of the ribcage and drove up, up through his chest cavity and out the front, narrowly missing the thrashing Kabeera. The sight was a horror to behold: A heavily-tattooed, bellowing man in the dimming sunlight holding aloft a twitching body as blood copiously waterfalled to the ground below. Dangling from the end of the spearhead was the unfortunate's tattered heart, glistening darkly.

END THE FIGHT (Melee raiders) [9/10] - Weak Hit


This was enough for the raiders who were still able to flee to do so. But Luiden just stood there, motionless, listening to his departed wife's morbid glee at the brutality she'd goaded him into.


He was going to need a minute to compose himself, but he was just about keeping it together.

This just left the cowardly archers up the slope to be dealt with. Bjorn nocked an arrow and saw them taking aim upon him already.

CLASH [0/10] - Strong Hit [3/10]

His reactions were just fast enough, striking one squarely in the bow arm. Bjorn immediately rolled to dodge return shots and readied another arrow.

Artiga blocked out the pain, clasped his mighty blade in both hands and strode up the slope as fast as his injury would allow. Seeing his intent, Bjorn switched tack to suppress the enemy with covering fire. With his erstwhile assailant now fled, Williarth commanded Quoth to beset the nearest of the archers.

AID YOUR ALLY (Williarth, Raven) - Strong Hit with Opportunity (4) [4/10]

AID YOUR ALLY (Bjorn) - Miss

OPPORTUNITY - Keep Initiative

PAY THE PRICE - Friendly fire

ORACLE (Artiga 50%, Raven 50%) - Raven

The raven went feral on the raider, biting and clawing like a thing possessed to the extent that the howling victim would be lucky to retain his sight. And lucky he was as a stray arrow from Bjorn found its way to the bird and lifted it suddenly away with a pained squawk and a cry from its master.


Lucky for Quoth (and Bjorn ) it was only winged by the blow, but regardless it was out of action for the time being.

STRIKE [4/10] (Artiga) - Strong Hit [7/10]

Artiga came round the rocks with extreme purpose, slashing and stabbing through them one by one until the last of them breathed their last breath.

END THE FIGHT [7/10] - Weak Hit



The old soldier slumped down on the rocks, his wound bleeding with renewed vigour. The others ran to him to check his condition and that the imminent threat was indeed vanquished. Luiden quickly unpacked a small bag of medicinal herbs and tinctures, hastily treating and dressing the wound as Artiga fought the urge to scream and punch him in the face.

HEAL - Weak Hit (Burn)

The skirmisher was not an accomplished battle medic and his handling was dangerously rough, but the tide of adrenaline hadn't faded yet and he just about managed to act quickly enough to see the injury sterilised and the bloodflow staunched. He threw his medicines back in his bag and slumped down on the slope to take a moment to process his own trauma of the last fifteen minutes.

A discussion began about next moves. Searching the bodies was unanimously popular, though with the caveat that they should move out in short order lest more raiders be sent to finish them off. As Williarth tended to his injured companion and Artiga nursed his leg, Bjorn and Kabeera checked the bodies. Luiden, compos mentis once again, wordlessly looked for the nearest body that had an intact mouth and began setting candles around it. He lit them there in the grass, some of them twice or thrice due to a mild breeze, then sat himself down and closed his eyes to will the newly-departed spirit from its mindless state of disorientation.

COMMUNION - Weak Hit (1 Stress)

The raider's spirit was boisterous and belligerent, howling fury and frustration at the summoner. It hissed threats and obscenities at Luiden, claiming that the Raider Queen was surging in power and dominance and would bring the Havens to its knees one woefully-underprepared settlement at a time. Luiden received fanciful but bloody visions from the brutal spirit's imagination. In a trance-like state Luiden was unable to shield himself from the onslaught, but found the willpower to command an answer to his question - Who is the Raider Queen?

GATHER INFORMATION (Communion) - Strong Hit

The spirit gleefully consented to providing a vision of a large, fur-decked woman with sharp eyes and a cruel smirk. The name accompanying the vision was Lucia.


Luiden felt the weight of accumulated trauma weighing heavily upon him, but he broke the communion and drank deeply from the cool air to centre himself and keep it together.

Williarth was relieved to find the raven's injuries to be minor and set about doing what he could to aid recuperation.

HEAL - Strong Hit

He was pretty sure he'd done a good job of binding the wing and Quoth seemed rather happier. He curled the large bird into his hood to keep it safe and comfortable.

Kabeera and Bjorn searched the bodies scattered across the grass, looking for any indication of skullduggery.

AID YOUR ALLY (Bjorn) - Strong Hit with Opportunity (7)

OPPORTUNITY - Caravan clue

GATHER INFORMATION (Kabeera) - Strong Hit

The raiders had little on them of interest save two very pertinent items. Bjorn found a small lump of black iron - a rare commodity and almost certainly from the caravan he sought. Best guess was that the mercenaries were using it to pay their way to wherever they were destined.

REACH A MILESTONE (Find missing iron shipment) - [1/10]

Kabeera, meanwhile, found a note at the bottom of a pocket with succinctly-scrawled details. With a little close examination she determined that the note was instruction for the party to be ambushed so that the mission from Bleakfalls would fail, and for no reason other than to thwart any interest of the settlement. The note was addressed to 'L' and with the subsequent debrief of Luiden she confirmed that she knew of this Lucia - she was known as a mercenary chiefly in the service of the Greyflower family, rulers of Old Hall, but that she was now set up with a raiding warband was news to Kabeera.

REACH A MILESTONE (Protect Bleakfalls from the plots of an allied circle) - [1/10]

Adverse Conditions

The party was not in good shape and their travels were barely started - they were now on the third day from Old Hall and in need of a hospitable settlement or, at the very least, a decent camp. Artiga was walking well enough, but the numbing medicines were quick to fade. Luiden was still on the ball, but clearly traumatised from his escapades on either side of the border between life and death. Both took a back-seat with Kabeera, leaving Bjorn to lead with Williarth on lookout.

AID YOUR ALLY (Williarth) - Miss

PAY THE PRICE - Horrendous weather conditions (-3 Momentum)

Walking the high ground to the flank of the party, Williarth had a good long view to the horizon and spotted the ominously black clouds in good time, but didn't have the presence of mind to report it to Bjorn so that shelter could be sought in time. The storm swept towards them and very soon they were beset by freezing rain that quickly turned to bitterly-cold ice and sleet. 

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [2/10] - Miss [2/10]

PAY THE PRICE - The current situation worsens (-2 Supply, 1 Stress)

Everyone quickly ransacked their backpacks for extra layers to combat the wet and the cold, but there was little that hadn't already been put to use repairing footwear and the like. What's more, a great deal of supplies were lost to or ruined by the storm in the haste. The realisation of dwindling supplies weighed heavy on each and every one of them as they pressed on as best they could.

ENDURE STRESS (Kabeera) - Miss

ENDURE STRESS (Artiga) - Strong Hit

ENDURE STRESS (Luiden) - Miss (Shaken)

ENDURE STRESS (Williarth) - Miss

ENDURE STRESS (Bjorn) - Weak Hit

For most of the party morale took a big hit: Only Artiga felt buoyed by the challenge - he'd faced far colder and far more brutal conditions in his northern travels with his old warband, the Frozen Lament. Luiden took it the worst, equating the cold of the sleet with the chill of death. He fell silent (not that anyone could notice in the circumstances) and retreated inside his own head as he battled concerns of morality, decency and positivity.

It was no good - though half the day still remained they couldn't hope to make any healthy progress through this nightmare. As they hunkered down by a small rockface Williarth scouted the area for sign of shelter.

GATHER INFORMATION - Miss with a Complication (10)

PAY THE PRICE - You are too late (-3 Momentum and/or Health)

The wet and shivering bard ventured out for some high ground, but visibility was fading more and more with every step he took and the wind seemed to be only getting stronger to the point that if he were to crest the slope he'd fear being swept away. He skidded back down and delivered the unwelcome news that they could only cling to each other and pray that exposure to the raging elements didn't kill them before the storm abated.

ENDURE HARM (Kabeera) - Strong Hit

ENDURE HARM (Luiden) - Weak Hit

ENDURE HARM (Williarth) - Strong Hit

ENDURE HARM (Bjorn) - Miss

Bjorn took it the worst, since he'd been leading and was supposed to be a seasoned scout from the harsher climes of the north, and nobody about him was in any position to reassure or console. The six of them huddled together as best they could for hours on end, feeling the freezing cold seep into their very bones.

The storm eventually passed sometime in the night but nobody moved a muscle until dawn. As they then gathered themselves and prepared to set off, tired and demoralised, they were at least thankful that miraculously none had perished. Luiden, however, was not right. Without a word he marched off before any of the others were ready, head slung despondently, such that the rest had to hurry painfully to catch up before losing sight of him.

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [2/10] (Luiden) - Strong Hit [3/10]

Little of the previous day's meterological torment remained, though cold winds and light rains persisted, and despite being slowed by aching bones and sleep deprivation they made good progress following nothing more than Luiden's silent instinct. But they still needed to recuperate and the first sign of any such suitable location came in the form of a lonely old ruin atop a small hill. As they neared it, it transpired to be older than the exodus from the Old World - much older. Even in its crumbled state it bore resemblance to a monastery or some such, though to what primordial gods who could know? They ventured within to enjoy what little shelter it could afford them and start to re-group.

MAKE CAMP (Artiga) - Miss

It seemed luck was still not on their side. The storm had beleaguered the lands far and wide and much wildlife had similarly sought shelter from the misery. As such they found that this would-be sanctuary was already in use by a pack of mangy and very hungry wolves. Their yellow eyes flashed in the shadows and Artiga just barely had time to bellow the alert before they came loping forwards. On any other day the warrior priest would take them all on himself if he had to, but the party needed to err on the side of caution right now so a fighting retreat was called for.

BATTLE (Bjorn) - Strong Hit

Under Bjorn's direction, the party fled the ruins and down the hill. Here and there Artiga would turn to strike at snapping jaws or Bjorn would loose an arrow at a lupine gaining too quickly. They scampered up the nearest slope to a rocky ledge they could comfortably defend and the pack then saw that this meal would not be easy enough for them. They skulked back to the ruins, marking the disappointment with a single howl.

Williarth took the next leg and no other felt capable enough to assist. This miserable affair was proving quite the disappointment from a grand-ballad perspective.

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [3/10] - Weak hit [4/10]

That same day, as dusk was slowly heralding the night to come, they crested a hill to a gloriously-welcome sight - a sizeable settlement by a slow, wide river. Come hell or high water they would each see a dry and comfortable bed that night!

The high-walled settlement of Shield Ford was a relatively early one established by the river Tekja in the heart of the Havens. Its conception was military-born, for it stood by a ford that was absolutely vital for soldiers and wagons to cross into the western lands. In the years since it had changed leadership and alliances many times over, but remained military in spirit and customs even in times of relative peace.

Kabeera spoke to the guards at the gate and achieved an audience with the Council of Arms, a small collective in charge of the town. The party were led through the fortifications and large barrack-style dwellings to the long hall where the Council were discussing matters of business. She stood there, still damp and bedraggled from the journey, respectfully requesting hospitality for travelers in service of their own rulers.

SOJOURN (Kabeera) - Strong Hit (Empowered)

With luck her name curried favour - the incumbent rulers of Shield Ford were keen on agreeable alliances, no matter the distance, though wariness of the elf was rudely made clear.

Kabeera - Recuperate and Consort

The young lady was tended to by the Council's own physician, given ointments and herbs with incomprehensible names, and shown to a bed in which to rest. The following day she spent mostly with the Council, witnessing their duties of state and discussing the finer points of Shield Ford's social structure.

Artiga - Recuperate and Plan

The old priest found a public healthcare provider and had his wound treated - it was actually well on the mend and needed little more that re-dressing and rest. He spent the following day with Mayatanay, partly to keep her out of trouble and partly to discuss the locale of the clan and the Deep Wild fringes so as to be better prepared for it.

Luiden - Hearten (Clear Shaken) and Consort (Focus)


The southerner was possibly the most glad to reach civilisation, no matter how foreign. He felt far safer surrounded by life and normality and his base instincts kicked in, driving him almost immediately to the nearest brothel and keeping him there in a hedonistic daze.

Bjorn - Equip and Provision

As soon as hospitality was granted Bjorn set about replenishing their supplies from the ground up - he hurried about the evening markets for rations, clothing, arrows, medicines, anything and everything they'd used already or might conceivably have a use for. Then after a few hours' rest he went to the morning markets and continued for much of the day. He could feel a lot of blame for the arduousness encountered this far aimed in his direction and was intent that the party would have every advantage required for what lay ahead.

For the rest of the day he made enquiries about the caravan, showing people the iron sample he'd acquired from the raiders.


Bjorn found out quickly that the caravan had been this way not so very long ago. It had indeed been in the hands of some mercenary force and had traded at Shield Ford for travelling supplies on their way towards the Deep Wilds. It very much seemed that their destination was the burgeoning conflict with the elves and was most likely involved in it somehow.

REACH A MILESTONE (Find missing iron shipment) - [1.5/10]

Williarth - Provision and Plan

The bard was pleased to see the team spirit shown by Bjorn here and in the evening assisted with the re-supplying. The next day he spent researching and listing settlements most useful for establishing himself - places that saw strong word of mouth and others that were home to already-renowned and respected composers.