Tomorrow's problem

The crowd stood dumbfounded. The town guards one-by-one dropped their arms and knelt before the ghoulish embodiment of the greatest elven military leader ever known. Silence reigned over the awkward and portentous scene.

Tekhra was the first to show some initiative and approached the giant elf, but addressed the Moonshard. With verbal ferocity she attempted to impress upon the spirit of the stone that it had no better opportunity for chaos, drama and legend than with them on their quest to vanquish the forbidden cult of a dead god.


ENDURE STRESS - Miss (Shaken)

Her demagoguian flourish had barely left her lips when the visions hit. A rapid-fire montage of scenes and sounds of her failing and suffering in a dozen dozen unseen situations. Were they portents, guesswork or hypotheses? The psychic assault broke her, crushing her beneath an unbearable weight of pessimism and dying hope.

YOU SHALL FAIL the Moonshard declared and it laughed derisively. Hearing the deep voice emanate from the form of Kenrick while the slack mouth remained motionless was deeply unsettling.

Moments dragged like eons in the cool night air as the stone weighed its options. Then it turned its zombie host towards the gates of the settlement and began to stride with unstoppable determination. The crowd parted rapidly and as they watched, still stunned, the stone addressed them from on high.


The crowd lit up with murmuring, panic and resolution. A great many followed in Kenrick's wake without question, including the guards and the soldiers who could comprehend no greater opportunity for honour and divinity. Others stayed but shock, confusion and lack of leadership created an uneasy atmosphere throughout the town.

As the Moonshard slowly disappeared from view the force of its presence faded and Kabeera felt the magic holding her in stone weaken. She focused hard on moving her limbs and shrugging it off entirely.

HEAL - Strong Hit

Over several minutes of extreme exertion she gradually worked her joints into motion and the look and feel of her body reverted from cold and grey back to normal.

The party regarded each other without words. Eventually Bjorn broke the silence to point out that, in a weird way, at least the Moonshard Stone would be delivered to Rafiki as they had sworn to make happen.

FULFILL YOUR VOW (Retrieve the Moonshard Stone) [6/10] - Strong Hit

Given what they knew of the stone's power and determination there was little doubt it would reach the Fortress. How exactly Rafiki was meant to safely receive it and utilise it was his business and the four Ironlanders agreed that they could consider themselves freed of this obligation. Tekhra, who had not sworn the vow, was less convinced but in no mood to be a stickler about it. She was fuming from a battered ego after the humbling hallucination of her potential for failure and she raged that they had just sent a cataclysmic force hellbent on destruction back to her home and the object of her affection. An awkward silence resulted, but they had to agree that there was nothing to be done about it now.

Whilst Bjorn and Williarth went to locate their belongings and search for rations Tekhra attempted to elicit aid from the remaining populace. She approached it with a story about being on a mission from the Fortress to specifically protect the Bastion from the influences of the cult.


Indifference was the best reaction she could win and as she was about to give up the overseer, largely ignored until now, rose and called for the arrest of the 'doombringers'. Tekhra took him on in a public shouting match, pointing out most forcefully that the ritual had been his doing, and those few still not returned to their homes felt little incentive to take any action one way or the other.

Luiden saw an opportunity and jumped atop a crate to address the townsfolk, calling for a coup to depose the overseer and instigate a new, safer order to the Bastion.


ENDURE STRESSMiss (Corrupted)

The reaction he got was largely indignant and quite racist. Even a few rotten lumps of fruit were thrown. The man was tired, injured, aching and despairing, not to mention still coming to terms with the loss of a limb. He cracked atop that soapbox. His southern ways of courtesy, respect, deference and civility had brought more suffering down upon him than anything else and very little by way of reciprocity from those he had met since leaving his home. Things were going to be different from here on out, he told himself. If it's dog-eat-dog then time for this hound to start filling its belly.

RESUPPLY (Williarth) - Miss


The bard and the scout returned with their packs and weapons, but no extra supplies. Worse, on closer inspection of his things the bard found his old song notes had been taken. He angrily cursed ever factor he could think of that featured in the sequence of events leading up to this place and moment. Tension was high for everyone and sleep seemed the most inviting cure.

They found meagre comfort in an abandoned residence and kept a low profile there lest any neighbours take exception. First they tended to some of the more serious wounds - Luiden properly dressing his stump for better healing and Williarth tending to Tekhra's burns and Bjorn's 18-inch back-wound. Then they bedded down and alternated watch-duties until dawn.

HEAL (Luiden - Luiden) - Weak Hit (Wounded cleared)

HEAL (Williarth - Tekhra) - Strong Hit (Wounded cleared)

HEAL (Williarth - Bjorn) - Weak Hit (Wounded cleared)

MAKE CAMP - Strong Hit

The following morning they all did whatever they felt necessary to regain the focus and confidence needed to press on, and whilst Kabeera and Williarth took some time to recuperate the other three got together to make plans and preparations for the journey ahead. Eventually they felt ready to set off again and, once sure the streets were quiet enough, made a swift dash for the gate and the forest beyond.

I need a vacation

AID YOUR ALLY (Bjorn, Wayfinder) - Miss


AID YOUR ALLY (Tekhra) - Miss

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [6/10] (Luiden) - Strong Hit [7/10]

Tekhra was in charge of interpreting the maps again, but Luiden said something that riled her - likely something anti-elf - and she churlishly stopped talking to him. She was visibly getting very worked up again so Luiden let her stew in it. Bjorn was no help either - he raced on ahead, keen to show he was still as active and useful as ever, but managed to yet again fail to watch his step and tumbled down a small ravine. They found him sobbing at the bottom, his self-worth at quite a low.

Regardless, Luiden somehow managed to keep them going and make good progress. Late that afternoon they came across a band of refugees making their way through the forest towards the Bastion. Fleeing incursions by the cult, they were dazed and disoriented and had little by way of leadership, but had small carts and livestock and Luiden attempted to win desperately-needed hospitality from them.


He fared much as before, though this time lack of diplomacy was the clear culprit for he was unashamedly self-pitying and more than a little racially-hostile in his account of the Bastion. The refugees pressed on without stopping, happy to ignore them. The others glared at Luiden and tension started to return to the group dynamic.

Tekhra called for everyone's quiet attention and declared that they couldn't go on in this condition. Not one of them was in fit-enough state to have hope of triumph. Their only recourse was to take an extended period of recuperation and restoration. A hiatus. She pointed on her map that a prosperous settlement lay to the north and they could be there not long after nightfall. Their chances of hospitality there would be higher than before and they were used to travelers staying for more than a brief stopover. There was resistance to the plan - not knowing the cult's exact plans and timescales made for apprehension at the prospect of delaying by as long as a week, but eventually it was agreed that this was the only option short of giving up.

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY (to the House that Sits on High) - [Troublesome]

AID YOUR ALLY (Bjorn, Wayfinder) - Strong Hit

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [0/10] (Williarth) - Weak Hit [3/10]

The group continued in silence, most of them expecting a cry or yelp from Bjorn at any moment but for once the scout found the right state of mind to effectively keep them out of trouble without hurting himself.

They came upon a path that led to a ford across a quiet river. A small hut sat to the side and standing guard were two armed elves. The party was in no mood to pay a toll and likely couldn't afford it anyway. Tekhra marched towards them, chest puffed out and face creased in determination. Without greeting she fiercely impressed upon them that she and her companions were on a royally-sanctioned mission and had slain far more seasoned foes than crossing guards to get this far so it was best for all concerned that they be allowed free passage without delay.

SECURE AN ADVANTAGE (Masked) - Strong Hit

COMPEL (Masked) - Weak Hit

The guards were somewhat unbalanced by her angry announcement and agreed that they could look the other way if she could convince them of the worthiness of the quest. She impatiently explained about the cult and the attacks on elven settlements in the region, that this was end-of-the-world stuff and frankly they should be checking on their homes rather than maintaining their bureaucratic posts. This was clearly not the first concern about the cult the guards had heard and they indeed resolved to head back to their town with what they had learned. The party rested a while by the water before forging onwards.

AID YOUR ALLY (Bjorn, Wayfinder) - Strong Hit

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [3/10] (Williarth) - Strong Hit [6/10]

They came by an overturned caravan and warily (given what happened back in The Havens) inspected it for supplies.


There wasn't much, but enough to be worth taking. Much was rotten and it took quite some time to sort the good from the bad, but needs must as they say.

AID YOUR ALLY (Bjorn, Wayfinder) - Strong Hit

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [6/10] (Williarth) - Miss [6/10]


The scout warned them all of a poisonous ivy-like plant that permeated the area they were traversing. Everybody became excruciatingly careful of their movements, but the bard still managed to brush against a hanging vine that covered the side of his face in painful welts. Tekhra was almost out of patience and pressed them onwards in one last push to reach sanctuary and rest in the House that Sits High.


The House that Sits High was so named for its elevated position. Atop a mesa it enjoyed strong military defences and even a view above some of the surrounding canopy. It was founded early in the great war as a holding for a prominent general of the south as he coordinated his forces in the region. Duly it was very accessible by paths from all compass points and was a much-relied upon waypoint for many travelers. Its military days were long gone and now it offered one of the largest marketplaces of the Deep Wilds and a hospitality to match.

As they ascended the steep path towards the House it became quickly clear that all was not well here. Smoke billowed out and up in great plumes and much commotion could be heard on the night air. In the darkness flames cast a sickly orange glow upon the surrounding forest. Inside the town they found many buildings on fire or collapsed, injured and dead in every direction and a populace in panic. Grabbing an injured elf as he stumbled past Tekhra demanded to know what had happened here to this once great holding. The barely-conscious elf revealed that the Brotherhood of Kuolemasykli had attacked in force, tearing down buildings, murdering and kidnapping the people and leaving blazing fires in their wake.

It seemed the party couldn't lick their wounds just yet, but if they lent their help to the people of the House it should go a long way towards affording their hospitality.

SCENE CHALLENGE - Help restore the House that Sits on High (Dangerous)

Bjorn rounded up a gang of fit and able elves to take out on a hunting expedition so that the stores could begin replenishing.

FACE DANGER [0/10] [0] - Miss with Complication (7) [0/10] [1]

The venture was going well until the scout crept round a wide-trunked tree on the trail of a stag and came face-to-face with a mad-grinned cultist. His hands holding his bow and arrow the scout instinctively kicked out at his legs before he could react.


BATTLE - Miss with complication (10)

Bjorn knocked the cultist to the ground, but unbalanced himself and fumbled his weapon. The delay was due to cost him, for once he'd re-nocked the arrow and was stood over the target with it aimed between the hilt of a blade wielded by another of the brotherhood came cracking down on his skull from behind and he passed out before hit hit the floor.

Back at the House, Kabeera made her way to the southern gate which seemed to be seeing the most by way of people fleeing the settlement. She stood there at the border, arms thrown wide to beseech that people stay and rebuild their homes, to defy misfortune and see their town restored to glory.

FACE DANGER [0/10] [1] - Weak Hit [2/10] [2]

Many were rallied by this effort and returned to help whoever they could. Sadly not all knew the Ironlander tongue and hurried onwards to sanctuary elsewhere.

Tekhra swiftly attended to lifting rubble and rafters of fallen structures to free those trapped inside.

FACE DANGER [0/10] [1] (Masked) - Weak Hit [2/10] [2]

She worked fast and hard, throwing her aggression into every lift and carry until it was established that no more people were trapped beneath their homes. Pulling several soot-coated children from infernos threatened to break her spirit, but she managed to remain coldly focussed. However, the fires had been spreading and growing and were now threatening to engulf the whole place. Tekhra called upon Williarth to assist with the firefighting, along with anyone else in earshot who was fit and able. The bard joined her and began shifting burning heaps of rafters away from the buildings still standing.

FACE DANGER [4/10] [3] - Weak Hit [6/10] [4]


They thought they were making good headway and for a while it seemed they were not far from saving the other structures. But nobody had noticed that the market hall was burning and filling with flames. It was discovered too late and when the grand structure collapsed the air compression fired flames and debris in all directions.

ENDURE HARM (Williarth) - Weak Hit

ENDURE HARM (Tekrah) - Miss

The blast threw the pair of them across the street with the force of a thunderclap. Williarth suffered little more than cuts and bruises, but Tekrah was trapped under a burning joist and needed help to get free. The conflagration was wider and fiercer than ever now and all hope was lost. The last of the townsfolk gave up on the House and fled into the night with whatever they could salvage and soon the party were left alone in the smouldering wreckage of the historic place.

Luiden, more desensitised to suffering than ever, proceeded to root through the wreckage and burned corpses for easily-salvaged bones. He listened intently to the whispers from his wife as she guided him to the bones of the most skilled warriors that had fallen in the attack.


REACH A MILESTONE (Acquire the remains of legendary warriors to oppose the doom) - [2/10]

ENDURE STRESS - Strong Hit with Opportunity

REACH A MILESTONE (Acquire the remains of legendary warriors to oppose the doom) - [2.5/10]

With help from his spouse he found excellent specimens in little need of preparation. What's more, on each new acquisition she told him about each associated spirit and what they had to offer and how that was important. Luiden felt he was starting to learn about what fighting the Doom was going to entail and it spurred him on.

As the rest of them prepared to make whatever home they could in the smouldering embers of the town, Kabeera paused and looked about them.

'Wait ... where's Bjorn?'