Loose lips

They pressed on from the cultist's disused camp with renewed vigour - the trail was hot again and they felt that adventuring drive rising within them once again.

AID YOUR ALLY (Bjorn, Wayfinder) - Miss

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [5/10] (Williarth) - Weak Hit [6/10]

Bjorn resumed his post as scout and stayed out in front, but got too zealous and complacent about it. The party heard a sudden cry and rushed forward to find him knee-deep in a mudpit at the bottom of a concealed ditch. They struggled not to laugh as they pulled him out and outright guffawed on the realisation that he'd lost a shoe in the process. The scout was most embarrassed and did not see the funny side of it.

With their progression resumed without Bjorn's 'expertise' they trekked on and shortly after were spotted by a mounted elf a little way ahead. 'Cultists!' the elf shouted and spurred his gaunt into a charge straight at them. Suddenly there were four elven knights bearing down upon them with little time to attempt an evasion. Luiden bravely stepped forward and made claim of their innocence, praying it would sway them quickly enough.

COMPEL - Weak Hit

The knights pulled up to a halt right in front of him. The leader glared down at him from behind a sleek and sinister mask of wood painted in camouflage colours.

'Prove you be not of the wicked brotherhood,' the knight bade him. The group recounted their journey from the Fortress that Catches Tears and their royally-appointed purpose of rescue and sabotage. For good measure they dropped the name of the priest they'd rescued from the cavern and that seemed to cinch the deal, especially with Tekhra's presence. They agreed to lead the party back to their settlement for much-needed rest and recuperation. On the way the two groups discussed the cult and shared intelligence of it. The elven cavalry had been hunting cultist stragglers following a spree of raids on villages in the area. The brotherhood had killed and kidnapped many in the preceding weeks and more than a few settlements had been abandoned as a result.

SOJOURN (Luiden) - Miss with Complication (6)

Luiden worked his charm with the leader, pushing their luck with the assistance that might be provided on reaching the Bastion that Knows All. The skirmisher was tired, wounded and a naturally open soul and in the moment thought nothing of mentioning that they had the much-fabled Moonshard Stone in their possession and that he was sworn to destroy it.

All four knights stopped in unison and Luiden's fellow journeymen turned to him aghast at his loose tongue.

Blades sang their way slickly from their sheathes and the atmosphere turned dangerous.

ENTER THE FRAY - Small pack of elven knights (Extreme)

... [Heart] Kabeera - Miss with Complication (7)

... [Heart] Luiden - Weak Hit

... [Heart] Williarth - Weak Hit

... [Heart] Bjorn - Weak Hit

... [Heart] Tekhra - Miss

Instinctively Kabeera reached for the pouch in her bag that held the Moonshard Stone, but the knight behind her had lightning-fast reactions and beat her to it. He hoisted the shimmer-smooth stone aloft in confirmation. Strangely he lofted it as though it weighed no more than a mouse.

It was no surprise to Tekhra that she would already be identified as a threat and even before the stone was seized she knew a strike was bearing down on her. But her blades were not drawn, leaving her no option but to dive and play for time.

FACE DANGER - Strong hit with Opportunity (2)

She ducked into a crouch and threw herself sideways to the rear of the gaunt behind her as the elven iron swiped over her head. She came to her feet with both her swords drawn in a much-practiced maneuver.

Luiden brought his spear to bear on a knight coming for him, hoping to fend off the mount's advance and gain spatial domination.

FACE DANGER (Skirmisher) - Weak Hit


CLASH [0/10] - Weak Hit [1/10]

ENDURE HARM - Miss (Maimed)

At first he succeeded at keeping the gaunt at bay, but the frightening odds of four trained, armoured and mounted knights against the five of them tired and on foot tasked him. He summoned the courage to relent the spear enough to lure the elf in. The sword flashed down quickly and struck him deep in the off-arm. The spear landed at almost the same moment, punching into the knight's armour, but Luiden's wound was catastrophic and he knew it. Staggering backwards and dropping his spear he looked down with rising sickness at the limb dangling by very little flesh and no bone.

Bjorn was hopeful of getting an arrow knocked before any of the enemy turned their sights on him. He was just about in time as the one holding the stone turned and swung at him.

CLASH [1/10] - Weak Hit [2/10]

ENDURE HARM: Miss (Wounded)

The arrow loosed too soon before he'd fully raised his aim. It struck the gaunt in the throat, possibly fatally, but was not enough to hold off the attack and he took a brutal slash across the collar bone as the knight passed. Williarth swung his staff round at the same knight in an attempt to dismount.


The knight came off the rear of his gaunt easily enough, but as the bard pounced to capitalise on the success he kicked the staff away and nearly landed a swing to the head. His skill at prone combat was a strong display of their depth of training as soldiers.

Tekhra had the same idea and, seeing Luiden in dire trouble, ran straight at the dismemberer's gaunt and jumped into a ferocious shoulder-barge to topple both steed and rider.


The gaunt staggered awkwardly sideways, just about staying vertical but losing the rider as intended. As the mount backed away Tekhra prepared to rush the prone soldier, but already he was rising to his feet.

Luiden, fighting the urge to pass out, roared in anticipation and ripped his ruined arm free of the shoulder, then collapsed.


ENDURE STRESS - Miss with Complication (3)

The pain was just too much and he blacked out sat against a tree, bleeding profusely. Tekhra knew she couldn't do anything for him right then, so made a darting move to keep the fighting away from the wounded man.

FACE DANGER - Strong Hit

Her years drawing the circle for her master had taught her much in the way of close-quarters nimbleness and controlling the location of the fight came easily.

Bjorn was also concerned about space, for he had none. He grabbed a flighty opportunity to dodge a swing and dart for space in which to nock another shot.


ENDURE HARM - Miss (Maimed)

His timing was good, but his speed was not. On his way out of the knight's reach the sword-blade found him and sliced down the length of his back, long and deep. The scout fell forwards and rolled into the partial cover of undergrowth, crying in agony.

Kabeera surveyed the melee with panic. She couldn't see any way of any of them surviving this, but remembered the nobility and leadership she brought to the party. She plead for mercy.

COMPEL - Weak Hit

Her shrill appeal, desperately clutching at a slippery sense of dignity, cut through the furore. 'Your lives but not your freedom,' was the captain's verdict. Kabeera nodded and dropped her dagger. The rest of them had little recourse but to follow suit.

Luiden's stump was smothered in clay from his pack and swatched in bandages, if only to keep him from bleeding to death. By now he'd gained a semblance of consciousness and was forced to stumble painfully along with the rest of them the rest of the way to the settlement.

The Bastion that Knows All was a large settlement, but somewhat primitive in its construction and infrastructure compared to other elven townships the party had previously encountered. They had their weapons and packs all confiscated and were thrown into a large cage of thick, heavy timber. Their being marched through the town to many gawping citizens whilst the Moonshard stone was paraded behind them was a cruel humiliation, but worse was sure to follow. With the huge log bolt secured on the jail door they were left under the watch of a single smirking guard as the prize was trotted round to the overseer's residence.

Power too great to tame

It was deep into the night when the were fetched from the cage. Not that any of them had managed sleep.

In silence they were led at spear-point to the centre of the town where, in the middle of a wide open space and ominously-lit by a multitude of torches, stood a sombre-looking elf in grand robes that flowed out across the ground all around him like a seeping pool of wax. This was the overseer and he cradled the Moonshard Stone in his hands.

The torchlight flickered off the perfect sheen of the stone, bringing an angry, spark-fueled life to it.

The five captives were led around the space in a circle, each being left behind at intervals until they all stood equidistant and facing the overseer. All about them the whole town had gathered, defying the unholy hour to witness in wonder their elected leader invoke a relic of ultimate elven legend.

The overseer began an oration of the public's benefit. Tekhra listened intently but was unable to translate to the others at such distance from them. When the overseer was done with indulging his own grandeur he held the Moonshard Stone aloft and, after a most poignant pause, held it aloft and began to whisper unintelligibly to it. The air became charged with obscene potential and everything outside their five-man circle started to blur and swirl into one another. The guards, the crowd, the buildings, all smeared into a hazy canvas of dark blues and hot yellows. All that remained clear and distinct was themselves, the overseer and the space between them.

Even without hearing the introductory speech, to a man they understood that they were all here as part of the ritual. An offering of conquest and sacrifice to something of extraordinary power. The space was perfectly still and calm, unnervingly so. They tentatively moved inwards towards each other and the overseer. Though he had no men to protect him he took no notice of their advance.

Tekhra whispered that the ritual wasn't to command the stone but to beseech it, like it was a deity. Now regardless of the success or failure of the ritual they weren't getting out of this village alive without a lot of help, right? So Tekhra's plan, in lieu of anything more conventional, was that they get the stone on their side. If it had consciousness and they could win it over, that had to be their best shot at escaping. None had the strength to venture any alternative for discussion.

SCENE CHALLENGE - Win over the Moonshard Stone (Formidable)

Kabeera took a breath, tried to steady her rattled nerves and looked up to the stone which had adopted a stark-white glow now in the overseer's outstretched hands. She called to it, expressing with some desperation that they needed it direly.

FACE DANGER [0/10] [0] - Weak Hit [1/10] [1]

Silence resulted, but they could all feel an invisible gaze descend upon them. An undeniable presence of great potential.

Tekhra called on Williarth to follow her lead, then stepped towards the stone to introduce a man of great eloquence and captivating command of all that is beautiful.


ENDURE HARM (Masked) - Miss (Wounded)

A ray of brilliant light burst from the stone and seared her bare arm, neck and cheek with its divine intensity. She screamed in pain and staggered backwards, burned and spurned.

The bard took courage and proceeded regardless. He launched straight into a tale off the top of his head, one of magic stones and miserly, self-absorbed elves with no imagination nor respect for magnificence. his point, he hoped, was clear - such a legendary force of chaos and wonder deserved to be in the charge of the very best of chroniclers.

SECURE AND ADVANTAGE (Storyweaver) - Strong Hit

FACE DANGER [1/10] - Strong Hit [2/10] [1]

The bard winced, expecting a similar reaction as that afforded to Tekhra, but none came. Instead he felt the psychic gaze upon them raise an intrigued eyebrow at the proposition.

Bjorn wasn't quite on the same page with them, esotericism not being his forte. He stepped up a little and attempted, meekly, to appeal to its sense of fellowship and companionship. They were, after all, its liberators and erstwhile caretakers and such a relationship could blossom into something quite special.



A demonic-sounding exhale blew over them, making the Moonshard's indignance clear to them all. Bjorn shakily detached himself from the position of vulnerability and waited for someone else to take a lead he could follow.

Luiden, pale and weak as he was, cried out at the stone of his certainty that it held goodness and conscience at its core.

FACE DANGER [2/10] [1] - Miss [2/10] [2]

He had more to say but was cut short by a sudden muteness, silenced by the sentient artifact that was growing more and more irate with them. The overseer continued to whisper and mumble intonations, his eyes shut tight in focus. 

Kabeera angled for a new argumentative footing. 


Their ears were ringing now from a rapidly-heightening air pressure and in a raised voice asked the relic what it wanted.

CHANGE came the answer, uttered spectrally but with immense gravitas.

Tekhra was getting impatient and was struggling to maintain composure. She took several strides forward again, proclaiming in a loud and confident voice that the five of them were the most daring and determined souls in all the Ironlands and that it was either with them or against them.

FACE DANGER [2/10] [2] - Strong Hit [3/10] [2]

The confidence paid off - a slow, deep hum that reverberated through their heads told them it was well-received.

Luiden had a spark of genius. From his belt he snatched the hand and forearm of Kenrick, clearly too gruesome-a-trapping for the guards to have confiscated. He silently held it up, pointed at the stone as if to say 'remember this guy?'.


There was definitely some kind of reaction. the Moonshard recognised the last hand to bear it in action and they all became aware of the presence fixating upon it momentarily.

Tekhra seized the opportunity and forcefully shoulder-barged the overseer.


FACE DANGER [3/10] [2] - Strong Hit [4/10] [2]

The overseer went sprawling backwards, dropping the stone and landing in a gown-smothered splay. She pounced upon him and, knelt over his supine position, began to pummel his head into the hard, dry earth beneath.

Luiden dived towards the rolling stone and reached the arm of Kenrick towards it.

FACE DANGER [4/10] [2] - Strong Hit [5/10] [2]

He made contact. The fused, boney fingers of the rotted hand landed lightly upon the surface of the Moonshard and the glow suddenly intensified significantly.

Kabeera considered the Moonshard to be in something of a weakened position at this point and attempted to maneuver it with word games into a position of gratitude for her safeguarding efforts towards it.


She was sorely mistaken to assume it would be so bluntly outwitted and its anger was not slow to fall upon her. An intense numbness spread throughout her body and she stared in horror at her arms as they turned grey before her eyes and stiffened before her. In moments she was a perfect stone statue, petrified in an expression of pure horror.

Luiden saw nothing else for it but one final push. He could feel the stone fixed to the skeletal palm like a magnet and so hoisted the arm up high like a trophy in an attempt to proclaim undeniable ownership of the arm and, transitively, the stone too.


ENDURE HARM - Strong Hit

The glow from the stone seeped from the stone and over the ancient bones. The light was hot and when it touched Luiden's skin he yelped and let go, but the arm did not fall. The glow continued on beyond the bone, downwards, then spread out and grew more and more intense. Even Tekhra had to stop punching the now unconscious overseer to shield her eyes and take in what was happening.

The glow formed an over-sized human shape, an easy eight feet in height and build to match. The glow began to fade, the intensity in the air vanished all of a sudden and the town and onlookers around them came back into sharp focus. Standing there before them, towering over Luiden and gazing down with dead, mindless eyes was a veritable hulk of an elf wearing heavy, rusty plate mail and sporting numerous bleeding wounds of battle.

Luiden staggered away a step, unable to take his eyes off the goliath.

Tekhra knew what she was looking at - the warbound visage was unmistakable to any elf no matter how dead the flesh.

'Kenrick...' she gasped.

The monstrous corpse kicked Luiden mightily in the chest and sent him flying backwards.

I NO LONGER NEED ANY OF YOU the Moonshard Stone confirmed from its lofty perch.