The Lost Abyss

The party ventured onwards in pursuit of Mayatanay and her kidnappers. They were over a day behind but had the advantage of being on foot and could shortcut the curved path the cult's wagons were forced to follow. Tekhra took the lead to hack and slash their way through the thicker vegetation.

AID YOUR ALLY (Tekhra) - Strong Hit

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [3/10] (Williarth) - Weak Hit [4/10]

After hours of hard slogging a small break in the trees came and blessed sunlight gently warmed their tired faces as they emerged. Before them was a large and steep cliff-face. The climb would be treacherous and circumnavigating would be a great delay. A third option was a cavernous opening at the base of the cliff. Tekhra announced her suspicions that this was the Lost Abyss of Kolor, her mentor havingonce mentioned it when discussing this region of the Deep Wilds. During the great war it saved many lives as a refuge from sweeping raids. Kolor was the chieftain who'd made it happen and for a time it kept them safe. Stories of how it became 'lost' were many and varied.

Tekhra was certain it would provide quick and relatively safe passage in the right direction - supposedly it was a sprawling cavern with many exit points. The others were less enthusiastic and Luiden approached the entrance to get a better idea of it.


ENDURE HARM - Miss (Wounded)

The cavern mouth sloped downwards and had a floor covered in fine scree which Luiden failed to spot. His foot slid suddenly from beneath him and he vanished from view. His companions rushed to his aid and saw him lying at the bottom of the slope in an awkard heap in the flickering torchlight. They descended carefully and helped him up, only to find he'd twisted his leg badly and struggled to put weight on it. Lashing a bone to his leg as a splint and using his spear as a walking aid he urged that they press on and get the dark labyrinth before them over and done with as quickly as possible.

The way ahead was indeed labyrinthine - twisting passages continuously split off in all directions, some upwards and many more downwards. The air was cool but dry which was a relief after so much trekking through damp forest. With no knowledge at all of what they might encounter down there in the abyssal darkness Tekhra took the lead and did so with cautious progress and silent steps.

DISCOVER A SITE (Fortified Cavern) - Make it through to the other side (Troublesome)

DELVE THE DEPTHS [0/10] (Tekhra) - Weak Hit [3/10]

They heard low voices ahead and turning a corner saw light flickering from further round the bend. Tekhra had them approach slowly and silently until the space came into view.

Four figures in heavy robes stood around a large fire pit. They slowly swung and arced their arms and torsos in practiced unison and every minute or so moved round one place with expressive spins. Between them the flames danced upwards with more vigour and had a seemingly unholy intensity to them. The intonations were too soft to make out clearly, but they seemed to be of a beseeching nature.

Tekhra motioned that she and Kabeera would take the shadowy flanks to strike from behind when the others launched the attack. Williarth fished Quoth the Raven from his hood and indicated that he would secure the element of surprise with a distraction.

SECURE AN ADVANTAGE (Williarth, Raven) - Strong Hit

ENTER THE FRAY - Small pack of zealots (Formidable)

... [Shadow] Kabeera - Miss

... [Heart] Luiden - Strong Hit with Opportunity (2)

... [Heart] Williarth - Weak Hit

... [Heart] Bjorn - Weak Hit

... [Shadow] Tekhra - Weak Hit

ENDURE STRESS (Kabeera) - Miss (Shaken)

The raven launched into flight and with a raspy screech clipped the nearest cultists round the face with a claw before carrying on into the dark recesses of the cavern ceiling beyond the fire pit. Luiden, Bjorn and Williarth came charging forward and as the cultists draw their ceremonial blades Kabeera darted up behind one with her own knife intent on his neck. He turned at the last moment, slashing out at her and forcing her into a desperate dive to avoid it but this sent her prone and with head hanging over the edge of the fire pit, staring straight into the hellish pyre. As the fight erupted around her she gazed into the flames, hypnotised. It showed her such dark visions of widespread death and suffering the Ironlands over, a projection of a future in which the cult achieved its heathen aims. She screamed and cried at scenes unrivaled in brutality and sadism, the whole time horribly aware of something taking pleasure in her horror.

SECURE AN ADVANTAGE (Bjorn, Archer) - Weak Hit

CLASH [0/10] - Strong Hit [3/10]

Bjorn quickly dropped to a knee and lined up a shot to save the noblewoman from a knife in the back, but another of the cultists was charging his way and had to take precedence. The arrow struck the crazed ritualist in the neck and span him off his feet, robe fluttering briefly in the firelight.

Tekhra launched from the shadows to defend Kabeera from assault.

CLASH [3/10] (Masked, Duellist) - Strong Hit with Opportunity (8) [7/10]

She swung strong and quick and furiously, opening up the midriff of one in a messy exposing of entrails and nearly severing the leg of another from behind. She bought enough time and space to grab Kabeera by the collar and drag her away from the cursed fire.

Luiden squared up with the last of the zealots and went straight for the kill.

STRIKE [7/10] - Strong Hit 

END THE FIGHT [9/10] - Strong Hit

The cultist was over-confident against the limping skirmisher. He went for a swipe to the throat but Luiden's spear sank deep into his gut and held him safely at bay. Luiden yanked it free and watched the robed figure stagger backwards and slump against the cavern wall.

Once it was confirmed that the fight was done and none of the party were injured they gathered around the cultist Luiden had skewered to get some information. Naturally he wasn't in pleasant mood, spitting blood and curses as his life force began to fade.

COMPEL (Luiden) - Miss

Luiden stared deep into his eyes and promised a world of pain beyond his current suffering if he didn't answer their questions about the Brotherhood of Kuolemasykli, but the dying zealot merely laughed him off. Tekhra grew impatient and grabbed up the one with the injured leg to throw him into the fire to show their seriousness.

COMPEL (Tekhra) - Miss

As she turned to the flames she saw more of the images that Kabeera was still trying to shake off. At that distance Tekhra was able to resist the trauma of the content, but nevertheless had her interrogative stride well and truly broken. She and Kabeera whispered of what they saw and confirmed each other's interpretations.

REACH A MILESTONE (Defeat the Cult) - [2/10] [0]

Luiden decided it was fallback time. He had them all wait for the cultist he'd speared to painfully breathe his last, then set about preparing his own ritual. With candles lit and the rest of the party at a respectful distance he began the communion.

COMMUNION - Strong Hit

COMPEL (Communion) - Miss

Luiden breathed in deeply and reached out to the spirit of the cultist. He was taken aback by how calm and resolute his quarry remained, as though his spirit had been perfectly prepared for this situation. In the darkness of limbo the newly-freed soul twisted and turned and gave him nothing but blatent falsehoods and ridiculous claims of ignorance. Then the communion ended most abruptly. The party looked at Luiden with concern as his brow furrowed in utter bewilderment. It was as though some third party had intervened and severed the connection. Which would be an absolute first as far as he was aware.

The injured cultist had also bled out by this point. They dragged and threw the bodies on the fire before proceeding. The flames were dying out now, but they were still careful not to look into them.

The party made haste from the ritual site, lest the dark magicks there hold further threat.

DELVE THE DEPTHS [3/10] (Tekhra) - Miss with Complication (7) [3/10]

REVEAL A DANGER - An architectural hazard

They were right to hurry, but slow to find another exit. The cavern began to tremble and rocks started to fall from the ceiling as they ran into the dark passages beyond. They turned to check they were safe and to their horror they saw two of the dead cultists staggering in zombie-like pursuit, both consumed with roiling flames. The lead of them opened its mouth and from within came a voice of horrible depth and sickening slickness.





There was no time for any of the group to rally the rest from fleeing - the voice spoke with such magnitude and authority it quaked them like the rock around them quaked and they were soon all running for their lives and their souls.

DELVE THE DEPTHS [3/10] (Bjorn) - Strong Hit with Opportunity (5) [6/10]

FIND AN OPPORTUNITY - Find a helpful denizen

They found themselves in some sort of quarters - makeshift bedding on the floor for a dozen or more occupants. A shadow moved and weapons were bared before it became quickly apparent that it was not a threat. From the darkness emerged an elf in rags, beaten and bloody. He was dehydrated and a disoriented, but could reveal his name was Sumulu. He was a priest the cult had kidnapped from a village beyond the abyss, but he'd broken free from his prison and was desperately seeking a way out. The party promised him safe passage with them if he share whatever navigational wisdom he could. Sumulu agreed, of course, and advised of a larder he'd spotted a little way ahead.

DELVE THE DEPTHS [6/10] (Bjorn) - Weak Hit [9/10]

They found the larder without encountering anyone - sacks and a few crates of food and other supplies piled in the corner of a small cavern furnished with crude tables and seats for dining. They set about restocking their own supplies which were running low at this point. Tekhra dragged furniture to the entrance to form a makeshift barricade, lest they be interrupted.


SECURE AN ADVANTAGE (Tekhra, Masked) - Strong Hit

Luiden used the newfound sanctuary to tend to his leg.

HEAL - Miss

He removed the split and attempted to manipulate the leg with his own hands, but promptly passed out from the intense pain. The others re-splinted his leg and considered their position. They'd all lost their bearings and had little idea of how deep they were or how near an exit. Before resolving to leave the larder the way they'd come, Sumulu spotted a small opening high up in a corner. He claimed he could 'smell the surface'.


Bjorn scrambled up the tight passage and about ten minutes later re-emerged to confirm it led out of the cavern. They hoisted Luiden up to him and dragged his sleeping body all the way up the sloping chimney to the fresh air of the forest above.

They emerged on a small bluff and stopped to catch their breath. Sumulu was thankful, but eager to be on his way. Williarth attempted to persuade that the priest join them.


The answer was a resolute 'no'. The priest had no trust for them when he didn't have to and was in a hurry to find out the fate of his village in the opposite direction.

With Kabeera still traumatised from the apocalyptic visions and Luiden still unconscious they resolved to make camp and wait for the latter to come to before setting off again.

MAKE CAMP - Strong Hit

They all tucked into the bland and stale fare stolen from the larder and felt the meagre sustenance aid their recuperation. All but Williarth took some time to focus their minds on their skills and competences, boosting their morale and confidence for when the journey resumed. The bard instead relaxed in solitude to calm his mind, rationalising the horror it had suffered of late.

Bjorn took himself off for a spot of hunting in an attempt to re-establish his sense of expertise.


ADVANCE - Wayfinder #2

An hour of sniping small woodland creatures did well to break through his self-doubt and reassure him that his skill had never left. He resolved to push his scouting potential harder to maximise his utility.

Luiden slept on and dreamed of his life back at the village before his wife's passing. They were hunting and he felt warmth from the old connection he'd shared with her as opposed to the distant one they had now. He asked her how he might have been letting her and their people down.


She smiled at him, a little patronisingly. His problem was an old one - not trusting his own judgement. 'Have faith in your instincts' she instructed, before playfully tripping him and then catching him just before he'd have hit the mud. 'Like that'.

ADVANCE - Blade-bound #2

Luiden wasn't sure he trusted his own instincts any more as a result of the dream, but he certainly trusted hers more.

He woke in the night and though his leg was no better he felt bursting with confidence and eagerness to press on. A little before dawn they packed up the camp and set off again in what they believed to be the direction of the path of the kidnappers, though there was a lot of speculation in that belief. Tekhra maintained her maps were still good and took responsibility for the next leg. Bjorn insisted on providing his scouting expertise to help forsee any issues ahead.

AID YOUR ALLY (Bjorn, Wayfinder) - Strong Hit

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [4/10] (Tekhra) - Weak Hit [5/10]

The way was difficult to navigate and the ground was far from level causing the need for much climbing and descending of steep slopes. Eventually they came to a wide depression that hid a small, disused camp. On closer inspection they found cages that suggested a prison camp of sorts. They searched for any clues of cult activity.

GATHER INFORMATION (Williarth) - Strong Hit

The bard loudly announced a discovery. He came from one of the cages with a small loop of woven threads. Kabeera identified it as a friendship bracelet Mayatanay had a habit of making and giving to others she felt close to - she displayed a similar one she'd received and confirmed she had seen this one on the arm of Mayatany herself.

They'd picked up the trail.

REACH A MILESTONE (Defeat the Cult) - [2.5/10] [0]