Notes: Two players couldn't make it to this session so we ran a bonus mini-session to get them up to speed and get their characters injected into the story. This is why those two characters only have a little bit at the end of this write-up.


Kabeera Morda, the Noblewoman

Kabeera is the daughter of the Morda family who rule the Havens settlement of Bleakfalls. She's precocious and clever, ambitious for knowledge and wisdom but sly. She yearns for adventure in the wider world, not least because the crows have warned her of a foreign plot against her family.

Stats:     Edge 1    Heart 2    Iron 1    Shadow 3    Wits 2

Assets:     Empowered, Cutthroat, Augur

Artiga, the Warrior Priest

Artiga was a fearsome soldier in his youth now a priest of Ursha, the Goddess of the Hard-won Peace, aging quietly with a family. He is a good friend of the Morda family and tutored Kabeera as she grew up, despite that he was not the most knowledgeable of teachers available. He has tried to hide from a past of murderous brutality and but knows that he must atone for his sins before his time is up.

Stats:     Edge 2    Heart 2    Iron 3    Shadow 1    Wits 1

Assets:     Devotant, Loyalist, Swordmaster

Luiden Rayja, the Skirmisher

Luiden hails from the Flooded Lands settlement of Thornfield, a small houses-on-stilts community on the swampy coast. He and his wife were known for their skill at hunting and protecting, and after mourning her death he carved a vicious spearhead from her bones so that her spirit would live on with him, such are the traditions and superstitions of his culture. On a quest to save Thornfield from prophesied doom, he is in search of the bones of extraordinary individuals to aid them in the foretold stryggle. He has traveled to Bleakfalls seeking advice from a retired Ironsworn there. 

Stats:     Edge 1    Heart 3    Iron 2    Shadow 1    Wits 2

Assets:     Skirmisher, Blade-bound, Communion

An Elf in Need

The news spread through Bleakfalls quickly that late Autumn morning. The elf known as Mayatanay was dying. She'd lived there among the Ironlanders for as long as anyone could remember and was much-revered for her hunt-mastery that had served them so well through the difficult winters.

The Morda family, who ruled the settlement, paid a visit to her cottage to commiserate and extend their assistance for whatever she might need. The elf was perhaps too proud to make a formal request, but after all but Kabeera had left she confided in the young noblewoman that she did have one need to be satisfied - she would return to her clan in the Deep Wilds to seek forgiveness for her crimes before passing into the eternal forest. She laughed it off as a flight of fancy of course - not only was it a dangerous trip ending with potentially hostile elves, but the clan in question was under threat of war from nearby Ironlander settlements and likely would not survive.

Whether she meant to or not, she'd ignited the fuel of Kabeera's need for adventure. The girl worshiped Mayatanay for all the captivating wisdom that she had to share. It was Mayatanay that had taught her how to beseech the crows. Now she was seized of the notion of granting her ailing mentor's last wish and nobody was going to stop her.

Artiga realised this the moment she told him of her intentions. He spoke with Kabeera's father and it was agreed that with him to watch over her it would be acceptable. He took Kabeera to see Sidan, an aging Ironsworn who'd chosen Bleakfalls for his retirement. The man was inescapably past it and knew it, but by chance a traveler called Luiden from the southern town of Thornfield was visiting him to seek guidance in the way of the Ironsworn and he was fully agreeable to joining the venture, though did not let on to the peculiarity of his real motivation.

Early the following afternoon they gathered at the elf's cottage and together swore the vow. Artiga clasped an iron symbol of his faith, Kabeera bore one of her iron daggers and Luiden stroked a family talisman inlaid with bone.

SWEAR AN IRON VOW Escort elf outcast back to her tribe [Threat: Burgeoning Conflict] [Formidable] (Kabeera) - Weak Hit

As the oath-giving finished Kabeera locked eyes with Artiga and saw something she didn't like. It was the look of a secret being kept from her, something left unsaid. Mayatanay had taught her how to spot these things, but she knew better than to attempt coercing private thoughts out of the stubborn old man. She resolved to ask the crows what they knew about it.

Artiga bade his wife and three children farewell. She feared for his safety - he wasn't a young man any more and hadn't touched a blade in all the time she'd known him - but she understood his loyalty to the Mordas. At least there was no concern for the family's safety without him, for in her he had chosen a strong and resourceful mate. Between that and the favour of the Morda family Artiga was confident he need not fear for them. After an awkward and emotionally-repressed goodbye, he visited his chapel to pray for his deity's kindness to bless the voyage.

SECURE AN ADVANTAGE (Devotant) - Strong Hit

In the flickering candlelight the old man smiled and slowly opened his eyes. He could feel Ursha's love warming his bones and soothing his apprehensions. She was coming too and he need not fear for anything. He blew out the flames and packed up his paraphernalia of prayer before looking around the room one last time. He knew he would miss the serenity of that holy place of his.

Kabeera took some bread and left the buildings for a secluded spot out of sight. There she cut herself to bleed on the breadcrumbs, then cast them into the air with a summoning cry. A moment's silence, then a rising crescendo of flapping wings as the flock assembled above and around her. She called out her question to them, fighting to get her voice through the flurry of feathers and caws. WHAT ARE THE PRIEST'S CONCERNS?

AUGUR - Weak Hit

She thought she could hear her question echoing in the cries of the cycloning birds, garbled more and more with each iteration until it didn't sound anything like it had. She strained her ears and started to make out sounds that carried notions - barrow, desecration, theft. There were disrespectful intentions on the settlement's burial mound and Kabeera would be there to witness it, the crows said. The birds departed as dramatically as they'd gathered and she sighed. It was not uncommon for the crows to answer the wrong question. She reminded herself that the crows know everything, so perhaps she was a fool to assume she knew what the right question was.

A Journey Begins

The three would-be adventurers met the elf at the stony eastbound road. Kabeera's family had been very emotive in their goodbyes, which for her only further magnified the grandeur of her undertaking. Luiden, by contrast, had nobody to leave behind here and was champing at the bit to get going.

Horses were a luxury in these parts so they were on foot, but the weather was borderline clement - a blessed relief at this time of year. Not far from the settlement they reached the barrow - a cemetery beneath a large mound which housed bodily remains from multiple generations. Kabeera insisted on stopping and Artiga welcomed a chance to pay his respects to the guardians of death and the afterlife, lest they be sizing him and his charges up already. As the two bowed their heads, Luiden sneaked past and softly wandered the cramped burial chambers. He found large communal areas and separate rooms for smaller numbers. He correctly deduced that these held the more revered and remarkable of individuals...

The Thornfield town of the Flooded Lands had a somewhat outlandish ancestor-worship culture. They held that the deceased lived on in their bones long after the flesh had sloughed away to maggots and rot. What's more, they believed the talents of the deceased lived on too. So it was a long tradition to retain the bones of the dead and fashion them into tools, implements and other useful items or components so that they may live on in the community that bore them and continue to contribute to its well-being.

FACE DANGER (Luiden) - Miss

Kabeera and Artiga were disturbed from their spirituality by the grating sound of stone on stone. They ran into the barrow, weapons bared, to find Luiden standing over a stone coffin with the lid askew and attempting to remove a finger from the corpse within.

Words were had with the southerner. Angry, indignant words about respect for and sanctity of death. It may have been nothing more than the man's foreignness that kept Artiga from extolling a punishment upon him and leaving him behind. Or perhaps it was the touch of Ursha's vast mercy within him. Whichever, Luiden received just the sternest of rebukes for his misstep and the matter was quickly put behind them lest it hamper their spirits and fellowship before the journey had even begun.

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY - Rank: Formidable

Mayatanay did not herself know the way exactly. She had reached Bleakfalls randomly and via a non-linear route, and that was a long time ago. She could approximate her clan's settlement on a map but that was about the most she could offer by means of immediate navigation. Kabeera took the lead for the first leg of the journey with Artiga on lookout for threats and Luiden regaling her with lengthy and overly-detailed accounts of his people's ghoulish traditions, hoping to keep her entertained and to mend the damage done in the barrow.

AID AN ALLY (Artiga, Loyalist) - Weak Hit

AID AN ALLY (Luiden) - Miss

Artiga found himself settling back into action with surprising ease even after all these years. Physically, at least - mentally he still felt the gnawing parasite of self-doubt. His sword was like a stranger to his hand and his youth felt as distant as ever, but at least Kabeera could relax under his watch.

The strange man with the grave-obsession, however, did nothing for her levity. As he rambled on he didn't pick up on her growing disgust and horror at what she considered a new height of savagery. She spurned him away and tried her hardest to focus on the task at hand, knowing the images he'd portrayed would trouble her for quite some time to come.

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY [0/10] (Kabeera) - Miss [0/10]

The sun set and the travelers continued with torches, keen to make up for starting late in the day. Kabeera's confidence became tinged with arrogance and she diverted them from the road far sooner than she should have. As they skirted a small, dense copse Artiga was alerted to a sudden and violent rustling in the dark vegetation. He cried a warning to the others as two large boars burst out, charging angrily towards them.

ENTER THE FRAY - 2 x Boar (Dangerous)

... [Wits] (Artiga) - Weak Hit

... [Wits] (Kabeera) - Weak Hit

... [Wits] (Luiden) - Strong Hit

One of the boars came barreling straight at Artiga. His doubts fell silent to the roar of his warrior-instinct and he braced himself for his first murderous act in over a decade.

CLASH [0/10] - Strong Hit [6/10]

At the latest possible moment the priest deftly side-stepped the porcine juggernaut and gouged his blade down its flank. It squealed in furious pain and skidded round to face him. Undeterred it charged again but Artiga was already swinging.

STRIKE [6/10] - Strong Hit (Burn) [10/10]

END THE FIGHT [10/10] - Strong Hit

As the boar closed in it lowered its head to hoist the priest on its mighty tusks, but was met with a mightier downward blow that cleft the skull and slew it instantly. The creature's momentum carried it onward into an awkward collapse of a heap, first twitching and then still.

Mayatanay was safely distant from the fray, but the second boar had both Luiden and Kabeera in its sights. The former stepped up and braced his spear to grant the latter time and room to maneuver.

AID AN ALLY (Luiden) - Weak Hit

Luiden's quick-thinking gave Kabeera a degree of impetus, but the lack of coordination between them cost both a degree of readiness. As she tried to reposition around him she too opened herself up to the boar's charge.

FACE DANGER (Luiden, Skirmisher) - Miss

Luiden attempted to fend the boar away with his vicious bone-blade, but judged it badly and the crazed beast barged it aside, then struck him in the shoulder with a forceful tusk. He stumbled back in pain, only just keeping grip on his weapon.

ENDURE HARM (Luiden) - Strong Hit

The skirmisher scolded himself as he imagined his wife might have and saved his footing just in time to keep balance. He gritted his teeth and re-focused on the target as it went for Kabeera.

FACE DANGER (Kabeera) - Strong Hit (Burn)

STRIKE [0/10] (Kabeera) - Weak Hit [2/10]

The noblewoman narrowly dodged the boar and found a small window of opportunity to jab a knife into its belly. A small wound but a start. It turned on her once more and again she had to avoid its crushing force.

FACE DANGER (Kabeera) - Strong Hit

She was more ready this time and ducked it with practiced grace, blade poised to thrust.

Luiden came at it from the other side, leaping and stabbing downwards with all his might.

STRIKE [2/10] (Luiden) - Weak Hit [6/10]

END THE FIGHT [6/10] (Kabeera) - Strong Hit

He drove the spear home into its hindquarters, loosing an arterial spray from the wound. Kabeera seized her opportunity instantly and slid her knife deftly upwards into its throat causing it to collapse and quickly bleed to death at their feet.

The four regrouped, comforted by the speed at which they'd overcome the peril though still reeling a little from its sudden ferocity. They resolved to make camp straight away, enjoy a meal of tender pork and rest up. 

MAKE CAMP - Strong Hit

They found comfort and camaraderie by the campfire. Kabeera braided her hair, slowly and meditatively, whilst Artiga discussed travel plans with Mayatanay at length and Luiden treated his wound with wet mud. By the morning all were refreshed and fighting fit. Artiga was up first, kneeling shirtless in the quiet dawning sunlight surrounded by his prayer apparatus.

SECURE AN ADVANTAGE (Devotant) - Weak Hit

The others woke to find him centered and positive with a self-certainty only piety can bring. They packed up and moved out, keen to make good ground early in the day.

UNDERTAKE A JOURNEY (Artiga) - Strong Hit

The terrain was easy-going and by lunchtime they were back on the road with minimal deviation. Hours later it brought them to a crossroads where to the north lay Bleakfall's closest allied settlement - Old Hall. Kabeera persuaded the priest on a diversion - she had business there and thought it rude to pass a friend without stopping by.

Old Hall was so named for its grand long hall which in present times was nothing too special, but this settlement was one of the first in the Havens and back then it was believed to be the biggest such structure in the Ironlands. This was a market town - a hub for travelling men and women of trade to sell their wares, re-stock their supplies and rest safely for the night. However, at this time there was a great impediment to this purpose: Due to a sudden cessation of materials from the local forestry, there was a dire lack of carts and wagons and ability to repair such things. Many peddlers had found themselves stuck here with wares they were unable to transport out or sell quickly enough to return home.

SOJOURN (Kabeera) - Strong Hit

The party reached the bustling town and secured beds for the night. Kabeera met with the ruling Greyflower family and was invited to dine with them that evening. Over a sumptuous feast in their relatively spacious and comfortable residence she gave them news from home and made tentative enquiries about rumours of ill-will towards her home town.


She learned they had heard rumour that the settlement of Storm Cairn to the north was conducting unscrupulous practices to hurt Bleakfalls' trade. Merchants and peddlers were being dissuaded from travelling on to Bleakfalls through a mix of menaces, bribery and the buying-out of wares. This did not bode well.

REACH A MILESTONE (Protect Bleakfalls from the plots of an allied circle) - [0.5/10]

The others relaxed and enjoyed the evening with locals and travelers alike.

ADVANCE A THREAT [0/10] [0] (War with the elves) - The threat readies its next step ...

Artiga had a wander through the circle and was surprised to find the large blacksmith workshop forging furiously into the night. He asked of what purpose had them so seized and was told that a large shipment of arms was needed out west to bolster the suppression of elvish raiders. This was almost certain to mean the clan they were heading to.

The priest quickly gathered his companions and they formulated a plan. Kabeera stood in the town centre and called for all to come and hear her plea, saying she sought companion travelers for her dangerous voyage and promised grand rewards to any fit for the purpose. Meanwhile Luiden engaged the couple of blacksmiths still working in deep discussion whilst Artiga sneaked into the workshop to quietly remove the two empty carts out the back.

AID AN ALLY (Kabeera) - Weak Hit

AID AN ALLY (Luiden) - Strong Hit

SECURE AN ADVANTAGE (Artiga) - Strong Hit

The plan worked - Kabeera's distraction was short-lived and involved a lot of disdain at the notion of risking one's life for an elf of all things, but Luiden kept the overworked blacksmiths fully engaged. Artiga rolled the carts away from the building and behind a rocky bluff. They would be found eventually, but precious time had been bought.

... Mark Progress

REACH A MILESTONE (Escort elf outcast back to her tribe) - [1/10] [0]

ADVANCE A THREAT [0/10] [0] (Thornfield's doom) - The threat works subtly to advance towards its goal (Mark Menace) [0/10] [1]

Luiden found himself zoning out as they all enjoyed a nightcap in the long hall. The ale was loosening his concentration and indistinct visions started to creep in, foreboding and morbid. As they intensified, images of death and undeath kaleidoscoped with visions of Thornfield and his people suffering brutally as the veil between the mortal realms and those of the dead disintegrated around them. Mayatanay startled him back to the present with a soft hand on his shoulder. The others were surprised by his jumpiness, but she gave him a comforting smile and made no enquiry.


Williarth, the Bard

Williarth hails from the northern town of Frost Barrow, nestled at the end of the Veiled Mountains where the Shattered Wastes and Tempest Hills almost meet. He showed a talent for storytelling from childhood, but was cast out by his father for not accepting the honest life of a humble miner. He now travels the Ironlands seeking adventurers with experiences he can craft into great tales so that someday he would be renowned from coast to coast.

Stats:     Edge 2    Heart 2    Iron 1    Shadow 1    Wits 3

Assets:     Storyweaver, Long-arm, Raven

Bjorn 19th of the name Dýrfirar, the Scout

Bjorn also comes from Frost Barrow, though is unfamiliar with Williarth. His is a quest in service to the eight elders of the settlement - a caravan bearing a very large shipment of black iron bound for the south never reached its destination. Frost Barrow is remote and sees infrequent sea-trade, so the supplies expected in return for the iron is essential for the settlement's chances of surviving the next winter.

Stats:     Edge 3    Heart 2    Iron 1    Shadow 1    Wits 2

Assets:     Archer, Wayfinder, Honorbound


Williarth began his third tale of the evening, resolving it to be the last. He'd been at it for hours, so perhaps his repertoire could do with some more punchy anecdotes to break up the sagas. The hall was still bustling and he'd maintained more than a handful of an audience throughout the evening so he'd certainly earned his bed for the night and a few libations to boot.

REACH A MILESTONE (Become a renowned storyweaver) - [0.25/10]

He eyed the comely serving-wench during an account of a mythical valley full of wondrous flora and fauna, and upped the grandeur in her direction in the hope of sparking romance within her.

COMPEL (Storyweaver) - Weak Hit

The girl smiled and seemed taken by his eloquence. His message was received and he could tell she would be receptive to his advances later, though something told him it wouldn't be quite so simple.

Elsewhere in the hall a northerner by the name of Bjorn was going round the traders making enquiries about a caravan from Frost Barrow - it had left with a hoard of black iron to trade for vital supplies, but had not reached its destination. He'd tried at various other settlements in his journey south but so far any reports he'd heard had matched the route it was bound upon.


About to give up, he finally met someone with news. A farmer called Tegan had seen the caravan passing the lands he oversaw, heading due west, and had recognised those driving it as mercenaries. Someone had hired men to abduct the caravan and this was the first indication Bjorn had gleaned that ill-intent was afoot.

REACH A MILESTONE (Find missing iron shipment) - [0.5/10]